Become a member of NAMI Hawaii:

Join us as we:

  • Support peers, family members, and caregivers living with mental illness
  • Educate the public about mental illness
  • Advocate for improvements in services
  • Bring awareness to the public about mental health

Member Benefits:

  • Free Subscription to the ADVOCATE Magazine
  • Discounts to NAMI National Convention and various NAMI events
  • Special online access to members only section on the national NAMI website:
  • Membership meetings
  • NAMI Hawaii newsletter
  • Lending library of books and media (currently unavailable for the safety of our members)
  • Volunteer opportunities

To join NAMI Hawaii, click here and complete the online form, or fill out this form and mail to:
770 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 613
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813

Membership form

Print and mail this form to:
770 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 613
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between donating and becoming a member?

Become a NAMI member at all three levels of the organization—national, state and local—with one payment! We have three membership rates depending on what makes the most sense for you:

  • $60 per year for a Household membership that includes all members of a household living at the same address
  • $40 per year for a Regular membership which is an individual membership for one person
  • $5 per year for an Open Door membership for an individual member with limited financial resources

Donations are separate, allowing you to contribute any amount directly to NAMI Hawaii.

If I donate more than the membership amount, will I become a member of NAMI Hawaii?

It’s your choice. If you select the membership check box on the donation form, that portion of your donation will go towards your NAMI membership, and the rest will be considered donation. If you would prefer to make a donation without joining NAMI, just leave the checkbox unselected.

Are donations to NAMI Hawaii tax deductible?

Yes. NAMI Hawaii is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution is tax deductible according to the law.

Is my financial transaction secure?

Yes. NAMI National processes your membership contribution securely. Donations made directly to NAMI Hawaii are processed securely by Paypal.

Do I need to join Paypal to make a donation?

No. You can use any major credit card to make your donation. You may use Paypal if you prefer.