Do you have a loved one who is reluctant to receive help?
The communication with our loved ones who are experiencing psychosis could be difficult and challenging. This could make our caring and support less effective. The NAMI Communication Training will explore some of the communication models that are available over a 10-week course. Many family members find them constructive and practical tools to help them become better care givers:
LEAP by Dr. Xavier Amador. His book “I am not sick, I donʻt need Help”
NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. His book “Non-Violent Communication”
pREACH (Psychosis Reach) by Dr. Douglas Turkington. His book “Back to life, back to normality”
WHEN: Tuesdays 4/25 – 6/27 for 10 weeks. 5:30pm – 7:30pm
WHERE: The Parish of St. Clement 1515 Wilder Avenue, Honolulu HI 96822
REGISTRATION: Registration is required. Please send email to [email protected]