Family Support Group Facilitator Training (June 22-23)

NAMI Hawaii will be holding a Family Support Group Facilitator Training on the weekend of June 22-23rd

If you are someone who has attended a NAMI Family program, or have lived experience with caring for a family member / loved one with mental illness… this is a chance to take that lived experience and empower others like you in our NAMI Ohana as a facilitator.

Facilitation is a way for you give a platform of support to others with experiences like you, not to seek support yourself; but it is a rewarding opportunity to give back to others in our community who need the support you may have received through NAMI before. It is done on a volunteer basis; but we will work with your availability, and fully train and partner you with other facilitators to have all the tools to run an effective NAMI support group.

If you are interested, please apply via the following form, and we will reach out to you to follow up in early June: