NAMI Hawaii Programs are for people whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Through our free programs you’ll meet other families affected by mental illness of their loved ones or people living in recovery from mental illness. We come together, in a safe, confidential, and comfortable setting, to share our struggles, promote hope and build a better tomorrow for our loved ones and for ourselves. NAMI Hawaii is committed to offering community-focused education, support, and advocacy programs for family caregivers and individuals living in recovery from mental illness.
Online programs require registration. Once you register, before the start of the meeting or webinar, you will receive an email with a link to connect to Zoom. If you do not get an email confirmation, please let us know ASAP. Once the meeting starts, we may not be able to help you log in.
Email: [email protected]
NAMI Signature Programs and Support Groups
NAMI Programs are for people whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Through NAMI Hawaii, you’ll meet other family members who have struggled with the mental illness of their loved ones or people living in recovery from mental illness. We come together, in a safe and comfortable setting, to share our struggles, promote hope and build a better tomorrow for our loved ones and for ourselves. NAMI Hawaii is committed to offering community-focused education, support, and advocacy programs for family caregivers and individuals living in recovery from mental illness.
NAMI Family Support Groups are for caregivers of loved ones with mental health conditions. Join a caring group of individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom. Family members can achieve a renewed sense of hope for their loved one living with mental health challenges.
Connection Recovery Support Groups are free, confidential and safe groups of people living in recovery from mental health conditions. Mental Health Peer Support Groups are individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom, renewing a sense of hope for recovery.
NAMI Basics is a 6-session education program for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. Basics is run OnDemand, guided by parents and family members with lived experience, self-paced, and available 24/7. OnDemand offers the flexibility of participating in the course on your schedule.
NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions and ideas about people with mental health conditions. These free, single-session presentations provide a personal perspective of mental health conditions, as leaders with lived experience talk openly about what it’s like to have a mental health condition.
NAMI Homefront is a FREE, 6-session online educational program for families, caregivers and friends of military service members, and veterans with mental health conditions. Based on the NAMI Family-to-Family Education, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of our precious military community. Sign up for an online course here.
This staff development program is for healthcare providers, administrative staff, operational staff and students working directly with people affected by mental illness. It’s an experience that equips participants with a deeper understanding of mental illness and the confidence to serve individuals and families in a collaborative manner.
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training
Click HereNAMI Hawaii Annual Conference
NAMI Hawaii Annual Conference
Click HereSpeakers Bureau / Presentations
Speakers Bureau / Presentations
Click Here
NAMI Family & Friends Seminar
NAMI Family & Friends is a free 90-minute or four-hour seminar that informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. It’s also an opportunity to meet other people in similar situations and gain community support.
What You’ll Learn
The seminar is led by trained people with lived experience of supporting a family member with a mental health condition. They will walk you through the following topics:
- Understanding diagnoses, treatment and recovery
- Effective communication strategies
- The importance of self-care
- Crisis preparation strategies
- NAMI and community resources
Download the FREE E-Book:
Upcoming Classes (tentative):
- Dec 6 & 13 (Saturdays on Zoom)
** Family and Friends alternates with our 8-week Family-to-Family classes, if you are able to commit to the longer classes, please see the F2F section below for more dates
SPACE IS LIMITED. You must register by phone or email to attend this class, or to be notified of future presentations.
Email us at: [email protected] with your name and contact info

NAMI Family-to-Family Education
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-12 session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions, and interactive exercises.
What You’ll Gain:
NAMI Family-to-Family not only provides information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, but you’ll also find out that you’re not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope.
The group setting of NAMI Family-to-Family provides mutual support and shared positive impact—experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. You’ll learn about problem solving, self care, supporting a loved one, finding services, how to handle a crisis, and so much more.
- You must have a loved one with a mental illness
- You must be able to join by the 2nd class and commit to at least 7 weeks of the classes
- You must be 18 years or older.
- This class is for the caregiver, not the person with mental illness
- People from all islands are welcome to attend our Virtual/Zoom classes, but let us know what island you are from if possible!
Statewide – Virtual via Zoom
Current and Upcoming Sessions:
- Feb 8 – Mar 29 (Saturdays on Zoom)
- May 24 – July 12 (Saturdays on Zoom)
- Aug 30 – Oct 25 (Saturdays on Zoom)
- Dates are tentative, email us to be put on the waitlist, and we can reach out to you when a class is ready for registration!
SPACE IS LIMITED TO 20 PARTICIPANTS. Please register by phone or email to attend this class
Email us at: [email protected] with:
- your name
- your phone number
- which island you live on (if applicable)
- who in your life has a mental health condition (spouse, child, friend, etc), and their diagnosis if you know it

Family Support Groups
NAMI Signature Family Support Groups are free, confidential, and safe groups for FAMILY MEMBERS WHO SUPPORT OR CARE FOR SOMEONE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS. In NAMI Family Support Groups, families can join a caring group of individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom. Family members can achieve a renewed sense of hope for their loved one living with mental health challenges.
- You must be a caregiver or supporter (family or love one) to someone with a mental illness
- You must be 18 years or older. No children allowed, thank you for your understanding
- This class is for the caregiver, not the person with mental illness
All Online groups are available state-wide, but let us know which island you are on to get connected with your local NAMI!
KAUAI - Online
Date: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6-7:30 pm on Zoom
Contact: Karin (808) 631-4982
Email: [email protected]
East Honolulu – Online
Date: 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm
Contact: Greg Knudsen (808) 224-0790
Email: [email protected]
Statewide Online Support Groups – Online
Date: 2nd Tuesdays evenings of the month at 7pm
Email: [email protected] (ask for “NAMI Support Group”)
Date: 1st Saturdays mornings of every other month at 10 am
Nov 4, Jan 6, etc.
Contact: NAMI Office (808) 591-1297
Email: a[email protected] (ask for “Statewide Family Support Group”)
Date: 3rd Wednesdays evenings of the month at 6pm
Contact: NAMI Office (808) 591-1297
Email: [email protected] (ask for “NAMI Support Group”)
Big Island – Online
Date: Last Friday of the month at 6 pm
Contact: Kathy Hammes (808) 959-2426
Email: [email protected]
KAUAI - In Person
Please contact Karin to register in advance!
Date: 3rd Thursdays at 5 pm-6:30 pm
Where: Lihue Library
Contact: Karin (808) 631-4982
Email: [email protected]
Date: Last Saturdays at 10 am -11:30 am
Where: Salt Pond, Hanapepe (Small Pavillion near lifeguard)
Contact: Karin (808) 631-4982
Email: [email protected]
Kailua – In Person
Date: 4th Tuesday of the month at 5pm
Please contact Steve for registration/screening and directions.
Contact: Steve Katz: (808) 220-3625
Email: [email protected]
FaithNet Family Support Group – In Person
2nd Mondays of the month at 7 PM
Location: New Hope Hawaii Kai 7192 Kalanianaole Hwy Suite D201 at Koko Marina Shopping Center.
Contact: Martha Noborikawa (808) 258-2114
Email: [email protected]
Lanai – In Person
First meeting Jan 15 2025 at 6 PM
Location: Lana’i Union Church meeting room
Contact: Vala (808) 649-0826
Email: [email protected]
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Groups
Mental Health Peer Support Groups are free, confidential and safe groups of people living in recovery from mental health conditions. Mental Health Peer Support Groups are individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom, renewing a sense of hope for recovery.
- You must be a person with a mental health condition
- You must be 18 years or older. Sorry, no children allowed
- Please contact the facilitator for current info and registration
All Online groups are available state-wide, but let us know which island you are on to get connected with your local NAMI!
Connection Recovery Support Group for Mental Health – Online
2nd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm
Contact: NAMI Hawaii Office (808) 591-1297
Email: [email protected] (ask for “Connection or Peer support group”)
NAMI Big Island Connection Recovery Support Group – Online
3rd Thursdays of every month at 5:30 pm
Open to people from all islands; join us virtually on Zoom!
Email: [email protected]
Kauai Connection Support Groups – In Person
Weekly on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm
Tuesdays: Lihue Library, 4344 Hardy St
Contact: Karin (808) 631-4982
Email: [email protected]
Maui Strong Support Groups – In Person
Last Wed of the month at 5:30 pm
Location: Maui CCBHC – West Maui,
1830 Honoapiilani Hwy, Lahaina
Email: [email protected] – ask for Maui Strong support group
Maui Connection Support Group – In Person
2nd Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 pm
Location: UH Maui College Campus
Ka’aike Building Room 210
Email: [email protected]
Military Spouses’ Connection Support Group – Online
Thursdays starting January 9th, 5:30 PM
Contact: Dominique [email protected]
Women’s Support Group for Mental Health – Online
4th Wednesdays of each month, 6:30 PM
Contact: Lei [email protected]
or the NAMI Hawaii Office (808) 591-1297
Women on Wellness Support Group for Mental Health – In Person
2nd Thursdays of each month, 5:30-7:00 PM
Please register in advance
Contact: Adela 408-867-1364
Email: [email protected]
For more options, see virtual support groups offered by other NAMI State Affiliates here:

NAMI Peer-to-Peer
NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free, eight-session educational program for adults living with mental health conditions, looking to better understand themselves and their process of recovery.
Taught by trained leaders with lived experience, this program includes activities, discussions and informative videos. However, as with all NAMI programs, it does not include recommendations for treatment approaches.
NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a safe, confidential space. The course provides an opportunity for mutual support and growth. Experience compassion and understanding from people who relate to your experiences. This is a place to learn more about recovery in an accepting environment.
NAMI Peer-to-Peer helps you:
- Set a vision and goals for the future
- Partner with health care providers
- Develop confidence for making decisions
- Practice relaxation and stress reduction tools
- Share your story
- Strengthen relationships
- Enhance communication skills
- Learn about mental health treatment options
Upcoming classes:
- Feb 22 – Apr 12 (Saturdays on Zoom)
- Sept 13 – Nov 8 (Saturdays on Zoom)
If you would like to sign up, please email us at [email protected] with your name, phone number, and a brief summary about your mental health journey.
Can’t make it to one of our classes? Peer-to-Peer is offered virtually nationwide! Find a class that fits your schedule here:

NAMI In Our Own Voice
NAMI In Our Own Voice (IOOV) presentations change attitudes, assumptions and ideas about people with mental health conditions. This is a free, unique public education program developed by NAMI. The presentations provide a personal perspective of mental health conditions, as leaders with lived experience talk openly about what it’s like to have a mental health condition.
Throughout the IOOV presentation, audience members are encouraged to offer feedback and ask questions. Audience participation is an important aspect of IOOV because the more audience members become involved, the closer they come to understanding what it is like to live with a mental illness and stay in recovery.
This presentation provides:
- An opportunity to hear open and honest perspectives on a highly misunderstood topic
- A chance to ask leaders questions, allowing for a deeper understanding of mental health conditions and dispelling of stereotypes and misconceptions
- The understanding that people with mental health conditions have lives enriched by hopes, dreams and goals
- Information on how to learn more about mental health and get involved with the mental health community
Looking to bring a NAMI In Our Own Voice presentation to your community? Reach out to us! [email protected]

NAMI Basics
NAMI Basics is a 6-session education program for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. This program is free to participants, 99% of whom say they would recommend the program to others. NAMI Basics is available online through NAMI Basics OnDemand.
NAMI Basics Covers:
- The impact mental health conditions can have on your entire family
- Different types of mental health care professionals, available treatment options and therapies
- An overview of the public mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems and resources to help you navigate these systems
- How to advocate for your child’s rights at school and in health care settings
- How to prepare for and respond to crisis situations (self-harm, suicide attempts, etc.)
- The importance of taking care of yourself
- And more!

NAMI Ending the Silence
NAMI Ending the Silence is a FREE engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.
NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.
NAMI Ending the Silence for Students: 50-minute presentation designed for middle and high school students that includes warning signs, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. Research has shown that NAMI Ending the Silence for Students is effective in changing middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help
NAMI Ending the Silence for School Staff: 1-hour presentation for school staff members that includes information about warning signs, facts and statistics, how to approach students and how to work with families
NAMI Ending the Silence for Families: 1-hour presentation for adults with middle or high school aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff
Contact us at [email protected] for more information or to schedule a presentation for your school / community.

NAMI Hearts + Minds
- There is a clear and critical need to care for mental and physical health simultaneously. Understanding this connection and synergy is vital to overall wellness. NAMI Hearts+Minds is a wellness program designed to educate and empower you to better manage your health — mentally and physically.
Two-thirds of deaths are caused by chronic diseases that can be prevented or better managed. And these diseases impact people with serious mental illness at alarming rates.
- People with depression have a 40% higher risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases than the general population.
- People with serious mental illness have high rates of obesity — 41% for men and 50% for women.
- People with serious mental illness have twice the rate of type 2 diabetes than the general population.
- People with cardiovascular disease and serious mental illness have a 10–20 year shorter life span than the general population.
It’s time to correct the idea that mental and physical health are separate health conditions. The best possible mental health recovery requires attention to all aspects of your health.
Upcoming Sessions (tentative):
Saturdays (2025):
- Jan 18 – Feb 15
- May 3 – May 31
- Sept 6 – Oct 4
Registration is required, please email [email protected] to be put on the waitlist to be notified of the next session.
- Attendees will learn:
- Medical Self-Advocacy
- Managing Prescriptions
- Managing Pain
- Kicking the Habit
- Improving Sleep
- Make Your Diet Work for YOU
- Get Physical with Symptom Management
- Social Support and Peer Wellness

NAMI FaithNet
NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith resource network of NAMI members, friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to encourage faith communities who are welcoming and supportive of persons and families living with mental illness. NAMI FaithNet strives to encourage welcoming, caring congregations as well as to promote the vital role of spirituality in the recovery journeys of many who live with mental health conditions, those for whom faith is a key component. We encourage exchange of information, tools and other resources which will help educate and inspire faith communities about mental illness, and the vital role spirituality plays in recovery for many. NAMI FaithNet is not a religious network but includes an effort to outreach to all religious organizations.
For more information on FaithNet, assistance with creating your own Faithnet event or support group, or how you can help your church or faith community, contact [email protected].
Faithnet Christian Support Group – Online
2rd Mondays of the month at 7 PM
On break for December, maybe January(?) – email kathy for more info.
Contact: Kathy Reed
Email: [email protected]
Faithnet Family Support Group – In Person
2nd Mondays of the month at 7 PM
Location: 7192 Kalanianaole Hwy Suite D201 at Koko Marina Shopping Center.
Contact: Martha Noborikawa
Email: [email protected]

NAMI Homefront Online Classes
NAMI Homefront is a FREE, 6 session online educational program for families, caregivers and friends of military service members and veterans with mental health conditions. Based on the NAMI Family-to-Family Education, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of our precious military community.
NAMI Homefront teaches you how to:
- Learn to care for yourself, including managing your stress
- Support your family member with compassion
- Identify and access federal, state and local services
- Stay informed on the latest research and information on mental health, including posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression and substance use
- Understand current treatments and evidence-based therapies
- Navigate the challenges and impact of mental health conditions on the entire family
- Manage a crisis, solve problems and communicate effectively
Upcoming / Ongoing classes:
- Feb 1 – Mar 8, Saturdays at 9:30 AM (Virtual via Zoom)
Homefront classes open for registration online:
Sign up here (scroll to bottom of the page and fill in your name / email):